The Scoliosis Therapy Center was founded to provide comprehensive cutting-edge treatment for scoliosis.
In Europe and around the world, major advances in the treatment of scoliosis have significantly changed the medical community’s clinical approach to treating this condition. Surprisingly, clinicians in the United States have been slower in adapting these clinically proven interventions. Many providers limit their scope of treatment options to traditional but outdated methods such as surgery or two-dimensional braces. Among centers that do offer the more current treatments, few offer both the Schroth Therapy method and the Rigo-Chêneau brace system under one roof as part of an integrated treatment.
At The Scoliosis Therapy Center, we incorporate the full spectrum of medical interventions in the treatment of scoliosis. Our team of trained experts are focused only on the treatment of this condition, and they are committed to providing the optimal course of treatment for each individual. This often includes a synthesis of two or more corrective measures as part of a cohesive individualized course of treatment.
Meet Our Clinical Director
After many years of experience in the fields of sports medicine and fitness, Mitchell was inspired by a patient encounter with an amputee to advance his career to the industry of prosthetics and orthotics. He focuses on the highly specialized field of spinal orthoses for scoliosis patients. His comprehensive knowledge and thorough understanding of the body as well as the dynamic of the skeletal and muscular systems gave Mitchell an unparalleled foundation in mastering the intricacies of this field.
Intelligent, outgoing, and devoted to his patients, Mitchell’s therapeutic expertise is augmented by his gentle encouraging attitude and his friendly engaging personality.